Sent off my application on Monday, the deadline day! (Yes, I'm still leaving everything to the last minute..)
I got 752.5 in my UKCAT so was incredibly pleased with that. I decided to apply to Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield and Leicester. But literally minutes before sending everything off, I switched Newcastle to Keele! I really loved Keele but was afraid my PS wasn't good enough and I'd have a guaranteed interview at Newcastle. I ended up switching because, for some reason, I just didn't like Newcastle and couldn't imagine myself there. Agh, hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the backside! D:
So yeah, the endless stressing is beginning again. I really didn't want to have to go through this a second time, but oh well. I am a firm believer in the saying that things always happen for a reason. I would not have been ready to start university this year as I lack so much confidence and have really low self-esteem, which is one of the main things I will be looking to improve on this year!
Just hope it's all worth it.